March 13, 2020
To the members of the Our Lady of Lourdes community,
In light of the coronavirus (COVID-19) situation that is unfolding, Cardinal Collins has issued a letter to the faithful this (March 13) afternoon, which can be viewed here.
What this means for Our Lady of Lourdes is:
—Due to the Chief Medical Officer of the Province of Ontario asking that all public gatherings greater than 250 people be cancelled at this time, there will be no Sunday Mass this Sunday, March 15 (including the Saturday 5:15pm vigil on March 14th).
—The Cardinal has granted the faithful dispensation from their Sunday obligation.
—Our Lady of Lourdes Church will remain open for private prayer during normal hours, including on Sunday.
—Weekday masses will continue (Mon-Fri 8am, 12:10pm, 5:15pm; Sat 8am and 12:10pm) as will confessions (Saturday at 11am and 4pm).
—The Parish Office will remain open at this time at the usual hours (Monday-Saturday 9am-5pm).
The Cardinal will revisit the Sunday schedule for March 21-22 weekend, and we will let you know next week as soon as we hear.
The following parish events are canceled:
—Lenten Penance Service on March 18th
—Seniors Day Program on March 20th
—The Parish Way of the Cross on March 20th
—Lenten Parish Mission on March 23, 24, and 25th
All groups and activities are canceled this week, including:
—Kids @ Mass
—Sacramental Preparation
—Baptism instruction class
—Prayer Groups
—Outside groups using the parish halls
The Way of the Cross this Friday, March 13 evening (7pm) and the infant baptism in the Church at 10am will still go ahead as planned.
Please see the letter from Cardinal Collins for further information.
Thank you for your patience and understanding during this challenging time.
God bless & take care,
Fr John