We are now offering in person Masses at Our Lady of Lourdes Parish, although it will be a very different experience than what you may be used to when you came to Mass before the COVID-19 pandemic. We want to do our best to balance our parishioners’ spiritual health and their physical health, which is why we want to proceed with caution.
Sunday Masses 8am, 9:45am, 11:30am, 1:30pm, 5pm (Tamil/English), 7pm; Sat. Vigil Mass @ 5:15pm
Weekday Masses Mon-Fri 8am, 12:10pm, 5:15pm Sat 8am, 12:10pm
Online Masses Sundays at 11:30am Mon-Sat at 12:10pm Streaming Live from Our Lady of Lourdes Parish on
Lourdes TV,
YouTube, and
Facebook Live
Can I sit with my family/roommate?
- Yes, families and those living in the same household will be able to sit together. As a unit, they will keep social distance with other individuals and families in the church
Will there be singing during Mass? Will there be a choir?
- Unfortunately, singing allows for a significant opportunity for the projection of particles from the mouth. Parishioners attending Mass will be asked not to sing at this time. Also, you will notice that the hymnals and other books and pamphlets in the church have been removed to cut down on the possible contamination of soft materials.
- For the time being, there will only be one musician and a cantor for each Mass. This is so that we can accommodate social distancing requirements.
How will Communion be distributed?
- Upon the strong recommendation of medical authorities, the Bishops of Ontario had regulated that for the time being, the Holy Eucharist will be distributed in the hand only at this time. The practice of receiving Holy Communion on the tongue will be restored as soon as possible once the public heath situation allows for it.
- At Communion time, our Welcomers/Ushers will guide the congregation to one of our Eucharistic ministers. Social distancing requires that we remain 6 ft. from one another.
- You will be asked to stop 6 ft. from the Eucharistic Minister who will present the Blessed Sacrament saying “The Body of Christ.” The Communicant will respond “Amen”, remove their masks (if they are wearing them, proceed to receive Holy Communion in the hand, step aside and consume the Eucharist. The communicant may then reposition their mask and return to their seat, maintaining social distance from others. (link to video)
What precautions is the church taking to remain safe during the pandemic?
- The church has been completely cleaned and disinfected
- Sanitizer will be at all entrances and exists
- Social Distance Markers have been placed on pews and the floor
- All hymnals, missals, flyers, etc, have been removed for the time being. The bulletin will only be available electronically for the time being
- The upper church has been cleared of some of our furnishings so that social distancing and sanitizing may be done with ease.
- For those who are in need of a washroom – only the Bernadette Hall facility will be available.
- In order to minimize the possibility of crowding in the entrances of the church, and to ensure that we can easily track numbers of people (so that we can maintain our capacity levels with social distancing) we have decided to designate the South Sherbourne doors as our Entrance and the North Sherbourne doors and our parking lot doors as our Exit.
What hours will the church be open?
What are the new Mass times and why was the schedule changed?
- Daily Mass Schedule (beginning Wednesday, June 17) remains the same: 8:00 am ; 12:10pm & 5:15pm
- New Sunday Mass Schedule: Saturday, 5:15 pm; Sunday: 8:00 am; 9:45 am; 11:30 am; 1:30pm; 5:00 pm (Tamil/English) and 7:00 pm
- The new Mass times are necessary so that our Cleaning Ministry is able to sanitize the church in between Masses.
- If necessary, to accommodate the numbers of parishioners coming to the church while social distancing, the Parish is considering adding additional Masses. We will keep you up to date with developments
What will seating be like during Mass?
- Pews and aisles will be marked to note physical distancing requirements.
- Every other pew has been roped off to ensure social distancing
- Families and those who live together in the same household will be seated together
- Please follow the guidance of our Welcomers/Ushers when arriving to church for Mass
What happens if I arrive for Mass, but seating capacity has been reached?
- We are have implemented a reservation system for our Masses. We hope that this will help us anticipate crowd sizes. Of course, no one system is perfect, and some of our parishioners do not have internet or are not registered.
- If someone arrives for Mass but we are at our 30 % capacity, they will be asked to join the next scheduled Mass.
I or someone I live with is considered to be high risk for catching the virus, I feel uncertain about coming to Mass, what should I do?
- We recognize that this is a time of great anxiety for people, especially for individuals in high-risk categories and those who care for them.
- You are encouraged to stay safe and do what is best for the health and well-being of those you love.
- If you find yourself in this position, please know that Cardinal Collins has continued the dispensation from Sunday Mass for those who may not be able to attend for health reasons or due to capacity restrictions.
Will Mass continue to be offered on-line?
- Yes, Live-streaming of Mass will continue: 11:30 am Sunday mass and the 12:10 pm daily Mass
What should I do if I have come in contact with the virus?
- If, within 14 days of attending Mass, you learn that you or someone in your family who attended Mass with you has tested positive for COVID-19, you are asked to: a) contact the Ontario Public Health Authority; and, b) contact the parish office. Your identity will not be revealed to anyone other than the Public Health Authority, and only to ensure that any spread is contained.
Should I wear a mask?
- Yes, in accordance with the new City of Toronto by-law, masks are now mandatory.
Can I bring my children to Mass? Will there be any children’s programs running?
- Absolutely, children are welcome at any time now that the church is open. As parents, we ask that you will ensure social distancing between your children and other parishioners and that sanitizing protocols are followed.
- At this time, we have been directed by the Archdiocese to no run our children’s ministries, because of the difficulties of ensuring safe practices. As soon as we are given the go ahead, we will look to reinstate our wonderful Kids at Mass program
Will I still be able to have a coffee and socialize with friends after Mass?
- At this time, we will not be able to extend our wonderful welcome following our Masses.
Will the meeting halls be open and available for group and ministry meetings?
- At this time, the halls remain closed and are not available for use.
What about Confessions?
- Scheduled confession times have resumed
- Schedule: First Fridays 6:30pm to 7:30pm; Every Saturday 11am to noon, 4pm to 5pm; By appointment: contact the office at 416-924-6257 or info@lourdes.to
- In order to assure social distancing, Confessions will take place in Lynch Hall. The waiting area will be in Bernadette Hall and Father will invite you in to Lynch Hall when he is free. And, as always, you are most welcome to set up an appointment for another time during the week. Just call us at 416-924-6257 or email info@lourdes.to.
Is the Parish Office open?
- Yes, our new office hours are Mon, Wed, Fri, and Sat - 10am to 3pm