-The Cardinal's Office has said that all Masses are to be cancelled indefinitely. As such, both our Sunday and daily Masses are cancelled indefinitely.
-The Church remains open for private prayer during regular hours (approx. 7am to 8pm daily)
-NEW Lourdes TV: Starting Sunday March 20, 2020, we will be uploading an online Sunday Mass, presided by Fr John in the Church. The online mass will stream each Sunday at 11:30am. The link will be available at www.lourdes.to/tv. For those who are unable to watch at that time, the Mass will be available for viewing afterwards - a link will be posted on the same page. We also plan to record and upload other events, such as the Way of the Cross.
-NEW Daily Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament will begin Monday, March 23rd from 1pm to 7pm daily. We need people to sign up to spend some time with the Lord. Please email info@lourdes.to or call the Parish Office at 416-924-6257.
-Saturday Confessions at 11am-12pm and 4pm-5pm will no longer take place in the Confessional. Instead, confessions will be available at the Rectory (41 Earl St).
-All events in the Church and Parish Halls are cancelled.
-The Parish Office remains open during regular hours (9am to 5pm, Monday to Saturday).
-NEW Online Prayer Page: we will be sharing resources on prayer during the COVID-19 crisis to www.lourdes.to/prayer. Visit it today to view the Pope's spiritual communion prayer that can be said from home.
Outreach Response
-We are forming a Connect & Care team that will be reaching out to those who are isolated or home-bound due to the COVID-19 crisis, to provide a daily phone call or assistance picking up and dropping off groceries or other essentials. If you would like to volunteer, please email info@lourdes.to
-The Lourdes Food Bank, located at the southeast corner of the 275 Bleecker St apartment building, is closed indefinitely, out of care and concern for our clients, volunteers, and staff. We are in conversation with other service providers in the community as to how the Church can assist those most in need during this extraordinary time while still protecting everyone's health.
Communications Response
-We are doing our best to keep everyone up to date during this extraordinary time. Visit the website. Share this email with your friends and encourage them to join Flocknote, the Parish's email and text messaging system. If you haven't already, please consider following or liking Our Lady of Lourdes on Facebook and Instagram.