1. Pastor's Note from Fr. John Sullivan, SJ
2. UPDATE: Food Bank to Re-Open at Temporary Location
3. NEW: Word on Fire Online Discipleship Series
4. Consecration of the Archdiocese to the Blessed Virgin Mary (May 1, 2020)
5. Other Announcements
1. Pastor's Note by Fr. John Sullivan, SJ
I didn’t use to spend much time in thinking about the Resurrection. I knew that it was central in our Christian faith and celebrated at Easter. I also knew that the Risen Lord made possible our being given eternal life. But it was as if the benefit or reward of Easter, of life in heaven, lay at some unknowable time in the future. As a consequence, in the living of my daily life the Resurrection did not have a place of great importance. The words of the Mass, “Save us, Saviour of the world, for by your Cross and Resurrection you have set us free,” I knew to be true but did not understand their meaning. The Resurrection of the Lord Jesus Christ is the central moment in human history. The moment in which God changed permanently the course and content of our lives. It is the moment from which we gain “life and life in abundance.” Or as Saint Peter said in the Second Reading, “You have made known to me the ways of life; you will make me full of gladness with your presence.” These “ways of life” can be seen through the Gospel story of the two disciples and the Risen Lord on the way to Emmaus...
2. UPDATE: Food Bank to Re-Open at a Temporary Location
In partnership with the New Common and the St. James Town Service Providers' Network we will be opening a temporary food bank at another location (The New Common at 225 Wellesley St E) while the Lourdes Food Bank is closed due to space restrictions / social distancing.
We are so excited to be able to collaborate with our partners in the neighbourhood to provide an additional opportunity for those who may be in need of food at this time.
The opening hours for the temporary Food Bank may differ from our current hours - we will update that information on the website and email the Connect & Care volunteers as soon as it becomes available.
3. Word on Fire: NEW Six-Week Online Discipleship Series
Join the Parish for a new six-week Online Discipleship Series led by author, theologian and online media personality Bishop Robert Barron.
The theme is "He Is Risen," and the series will help us deepen the presence and power of the Risen Lord in our daily faith.
Access is free through the Parish. Visit for more information
4. Consecration of the Archdiocese to the Blessed Virgin Mary (May 1, 2020) - 12:10pm Mass on Zoom
On May 1, 2020, each bishop in Canada and the United States of America will consecrate their diocese individually to the Blessed Virgin Mary, to seek her protection for all the faithful, from the continuing Covid-19 pandemic.
Priests, deacons, members of communities of consecrated life, families and individuals, are all encouraged to join their prayers in union with that of their bishop, in this consecration.
We invite you all to join us for the 12:10pm Zoom Mass that day (Friday, May 1st) as we join our prayers with this consecration. For information on how to connect, please visit
5. Other Announcements
- Announced Masses: The Jesuit Fathers continue to say all of the announced Masses privately during the week. Link to the list of Mass Intentions and Recently Deceased for the week of April 27. We are still accepting Mass Intentions during this time - if you would like to offer a Mass, please contact or leave a voicemail at the Parish Office at 416-924-6257.
Beauty from Our Faith:
[The soul] must forget about [understanding], and abandon itself into the arms of love, and His Majesty will teach it what to do next; almost its whole work is to realize its unworthiness to receive such great good and to occupy itself in thanksgiving. ~ St. Teresa of Avila
Thank you for reading this week's Weekly Update!
We wish you and your loved ones a safe and healthy week.